Key issues to be addressed by CSIR under this Research Theme
- Cereals and Legumes
- Roots, Tubers, Horticultural (Vegetables & Fruits) and Industrial Crops
- Forest, Trees and Plant Resources (Natural Products)
- Livestock and Poultry
- Fisheries and Aqua-culture
- Soils, Mechanization, Agro-food processing
- Biotechnology (Genetics, Germplasm Conservation, Bio-prospecting and Bio-processing)
Our priority research areas under this thematic area are
The research agenda of CSIR will continue to be re-aligned with the development priorities of government and development partners by putting research in the context of socio- economic development and sustainable resource utilization. The Primary Focus of CSIR Research will be on Livelihood Transformation and Economic Development.
This is in line with national priorities as outlined in the Ghana Agenda for Shared Growth and Development (GASGD). The CSIR will thus also focus on research on social protection, which has the potential to reduce the vulnerability of poor people to the extent that they can manage moderate risk without external support. Thus innovative social protection measures that move significant numbers of poor people out of vulnerability and extreme poverty into more productive and resilient livelihoods will be the primary focus of CSIR research.
In addition, CSIR will present to Government an Annual Report on the Contribution of Science and Technology to the Economic Development of the Country. The CSIR will also hold annual press conferences on key CSIR technologies and their impact on economic development. An S&T Dissemination Platform will also be created, which will consist of development partners, Industry, CSIR, Universities and the other academic institutions.
A strong drive will be created within the CSIR towards the recognition of the service to society as a key function of the CSIR.