Welcome Message

Professor Paul Pinnock Bosu

Director General

Profile of the DG

Prof. Bosu holds a PhD in Forest Entomology from the Northern Arizona University (NAU), USA, Master of Philosophy (MPhil Biological Sciences) and BSc. (Hons) (Biological Sciences) from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana. Read more...

Welcome message by the Director General

I am pleased to welcome you to the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the leading public scientific research institution in Ghana. Established in 1958 as the National Research Council, CSIR has transformed over the course of six decades to its present status, comprising THIRTEEN (13) RESEARCH INSTITUTES and collectively over SIXTY (60) FIELD STATIONS, RESEARCH CENTRES AND ESTABLISHMENTS across the length and breadth of the country. CSIR has chalked successes in coming up with technologies in crop and animal production, agro-processing and value addition, building and road construction, environmental management and industrial manufacturing. 

In the area of food security for example, over 70% of farmers in the country are using improved varieties of maize, rice, groundnut, soybean, yam, cassava and millet developed by CSIR. The same can be said of the poultry, livestock and fisheries subsectors. We are also at the forefront in the development and promotion of strategies for the production of snails, grasscutter, rabbits, mushrooms, honey and other non-traditional commodities.  

Our scientists have championed the collection, characterization and preservation of indigenous germplasm for conservation, utilization and improvement of agricultural crops in the future. 

In the area of industry and technology, small/medium scale agricultural and industrial equipment have been designed and fabricated. We have developed and marketed the pozzolana cement from local clay resources to support the construction sub-sector. With respect to the environment, we have developed models in support of sustainable timber harvesting, plantation development, and the conservation of soil, water and forest resources. Models have also been developed for assessing carbon stocks in tropical forests ecosystems. In terms of health, our scientists are involved in water quality analyses, study and control of  water-borne diseases, and testing and early detection of COVID-19 cases in the country. Our scientists have led in the development and shaping of science policy and promotion of information technology and innovation in Ghana. 

I invite you to visit us at the Corporate Head Office located off Agostinho Neto Road, Council Drive, Airport Residential Area Accra; or any of our research institutes, centres, and establishments across the country.

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